No Gym Needed Video Tutorials Page

Form & Safety

Upper and Lower Body Exercises - steps to protect yourself from injuries.

Body Weight Exercises

How to do High-Knees

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Burpees

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Mountain Climbers

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Butt Kickers

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Jump Squats

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Lateral Jumps

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Speed Skaters

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

How to do Lunge Kicks

Watch the video to learn how to perform this exercise without injury.

Weighted Exercises

How to do Weighted Exercises

In this video, you'll learn how to use household items as your weights and how to add them to your exercises safely.

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